
Every Day Habits: Big Green Salad

In my latest Every Day Habits post, I am talking about the Big Green Salad. It’s been a big part of my weight loss success. Here are 12 ways to liven up your green salad without blowing your calorie budget.

Ask Adrienne: Fitness

I’m answering questions about fitness this time for Ask Adrienne. So let’s get right to it! Question: When you started your weight loss journey, how did you start exercising? Answer I became a lover of exercise in my early 30s. When I moved to Sonoma County after my husband and I were engaged, he bought…

Why I Record My Weight Loss Progress

At the start of my weight loss journey, I weighed in for the first time in a long, long time and I took my body measurements. I wrote the information down in this journal for safekeeping. I didn’t look at the body measurement numbers again until I was certain I had made some progress, several…

Ask Adrienne

Since I began talking openly about my experiences losing over 80 pounds, getting the fittest I’ve been in my entire life, breaking up with alcohol while living in wine country, and purging my home of unwanted, unused stuff – all during the pandemic – I’ve received quite a number of questions. So I started “Ask…

Minimalist in Training

As you may have seen on my Instagram page, Kate Williams of Sonoma Index-Tribune, our local newspaper in Sonoma Valley, interviewed me recently. The story ran Friday and you can read it here.  In the article, Ms. Williams discusses the 30-Day Minimalism Game that my husband and I undertook in January. I thought I would…

Why I do Intermittent Fasting

A reader asked if I would write a post about my experience with intermittent fasting. I am happy to oblige as intermittent fasting – or IF – has been an important tool in my weight loss success.  Let’s start by clarifying that losing weight, while complicated at times by hormones, stressors, genes and environment, can…

Every Day Habits: Lemon Water

Starting our day with lemon water is something my husband and I started doing over a year ago. Not it’s a habit firmly planted in our morning routine. My guess is this isn’t the first time you’ve heard about drinking lemon water in the morning. It’s been touted as a healthy habit for many years…

Every Day Habits: Big Bowl of Fruits and Veggies

Part of being successful in any weight loss or fitness endeavor is being consistent with food choices and exercise. By being consistent, you develop habits that support your goals. Over the last year, I have developed some every day habits that I want to share with you. The first one I want to tell you…

Why I Recommend Noom

In my post, How I Lost 80 Pounds, I talked about how I lost the bulk of my weight by using Noom. I have had some questions about how the Noom app works, since it’s difficult to find detailed information about it online. Noom doesn’t tell you much about how their program works and I…


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